In this body of work, Kim Beck explores the experience of being “here” — what it is to be grounded and ungrounded, present and distracted, whole and torn. In this series of pieces, Beck starts in her neighborhood where she sources rocks, potholes, asphalt for cyanotypes, rubbings, and photographs on fabric and paper. With torn edges, soft grids and ghostly echoes of rocks, Beck’s work uses the formal elements of paper, canvas, grids, scatters and collage as metaphors, celebrating moments in life where plans go awry, and where the residue of something lost is still present. This work is inspired by artists of the 1960s who incorporated chance, scatters and spills like Robert Morris or John Cage, and Pico Iyer’s The Art of Stillness. Beck’s body of work combines photo, print and collage processes to lift up the everyday momentary and chance gestures as something worthy of reflection and contemplation.